quinta-feira, 7 de maio de 2020


"And the Lord God planted a garden on the east side of Eden; and there he put the man he had formed." Genesis 2: 8

What a wonderful word came to my heart regarding the grace of God, which is manifested to all men, this we see when in the beginning God carried out the greatest project he had created, which was Creation, everything was done with such precision that the world scientist is poring over so many theories to try to explain the complexity of God's works, what God has done and continues to do is tremendous.


He created the best place for home to be, an entire world and separated the most beautiful place on earth planted by God Himself. What makes the place holy, because the glorious presence of God was there, Eden, means: "Delight", when Adam created by God wakes up, he sees the wonderful creation of the almighty, but when God makes him sleep again, when he sees the best of all creations, he sees Eva and is dazzled. From there, they begin a story together and experience the Grace of God abundant in that Garden, they live a life of communion with God so natural that at the turn of the day there is always God with them.


And the woman saw that the tree was good to eat, and pleasing to the eye, and a desirable tree to give understanding; she took her fruit, and ate, and gave it to her husband, and he ate with her.

Then their eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves and made aprons for themselves.

And they heard the voice of the Lord God, who was walking in the garden at the turn of the day; and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.

And the Lord God called Adam, and said to him, Where are you? Genesis 3: 6-9

Faced with all the joy of the home and the woman, the serpent, Satan, worked out a way to spoil God's project and so he tried the woman with an apparently advantageous proposal and the woman fell into this trap taking the man along, both fell of God's grace, when she thought it would be like God, she ate the fruit and gave it to her husband, both became like the serpent, enemies of God, sinned against the loving God who had given them so much joy, to the point that when God scheduled time not meeting them they are not there, then sin is brought to light and they experience the death of the spirit and turn away from God, but did God not know the risks of giving the world to men? Of course he knew, that's why he revealed his redemption project right there, he revealed his grace.


And the Lord God made Adam and his wife robes of skins, and clothed them.
Then said the Lord God: Behold, man is like one of us, knowing good and evil; pray, lest he reach out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat and live forever,
The Lord God therefore cast him out of the garden of Eden to plow the land from which he was taken.
And having thrown the man away, he placed cherubs on the east side of the garden of Eden, and a fiery sword that walked around, to guard the way of the tree of life. Genesis 3: 22-24

God started showing his grace when he dressed him in the skins of an animal, which we believe to be a lamb, God covers the shame of the two and with an act that apparently seemed bad, God keeps them both away from his presence, but as this could it be an act of grace? Yes, because if they stayed in the presence of God, his holy presence would kill them. God's heart is sad and like a father, he cries because Adam is gone, but there in Eden, the Eternal releases his Word and begins a relentless search, the search for Adam, through the years and millennia until he finds him.


That is, God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not imputing their sins to them; and put the word of reconciliation in us. 2 Corinthians 5:19

However, death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over those who had no sin in the likeness of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of the one who was to come. Romans 5.14

 Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw his glory, like the glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth, John 1.14

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16

Who would imagine that God would do this, a child is born in Bethlehem of Judah, the world did not know that it was God Himself making himself flesh and dwelling among us, with a great project of redemption for every human being, Jesus was there for his the new Adam and to be the head of a new creation from his death and resurrection. the fact is that Jesus was there with a mission to take Adam back to God and as Adam represented every human being in sin, Jesus would suffer the price of Adam's sin in our place, meaning he would pay the price for the sin of Adam, thus representing all humanity taking us all together with him on the cross and as he rose, we rose together with him and today because of Jesus we have the life of God, we who were enemies of God, today we can approach as beloved children.

Who, being the radiance of his glory, and the express image of his person, and sustaining all things by the word of his power, having done the cleansing of our sins by himself, sat at the right hand of majesty on high; Hebrews 1.3

What a wonderful day when Jesus ascended to heaven and sat at the right hand of God the Father, fulfilling God's purpose of bringing the human being (Adam) back into his presence, what a tremendous knowledge of the joy of God's heart, because Adam returned to home. And we have the great promise that one day we will all be with the Lord Jesus in Heaven forever and ever, for soon He will return.


Adam is us, you and I, who were represented on that cross by Jesus, so that he died our death, so that we could live his life, Jesus is wonderful, he is the expression of God's great love for us. Wonderful grace.


"E plantou o Senhor Deus um jardim no Éden, do lado oriental; e pôs ali o homem que tinha formado."Gênesis 2:8

Que maravilhosa palavra veio ao meu coração com relação a graça de Deus, que é manifesta a todos os homens, isto vemos quando no início Deus realizou o maior projeto que ele tinha elaborado que foi a Criação, tudo foi feito com tanta precisão que o mundo cientifico fica se debruçando em tantas teorias pra tentar explicar a complexidade das obras de Deus, é tremendo o que Deus fez e continua a fazer.


Ele criou o melhor lugar para o home estar, um mundo inteiro e separou o lugar mais bonito da terra plantado pelo próprio Deus. O que torna o lugar santo, pois a gloriosa presença de Deus estava ali, Éden, significa: "Delicia", quando Adão criado por Deus acorda, ele vê a maravilhosa criação do todo poderoso, mas quando Deus faz ele dormir de novo, quando ele ele vê a melhor de todas as criações, ele vê Eva e fica deslumbrado. A partir daí começam uma história juntos e experimentam a Graça de Deus abundante na quele Jardim, vivem uma vida de comunhão com Deus tão natural, que na viração do dia lá esta sempre Deus com eles.


E viu a mulher que aquela árvore era boa para se comer, e agradável aos olhos, e árvore desejável para dar entendimento; tomou do seu fruto, e comeu, e deu também a seu marido, e ele comeu com ela.
Então foram abertos os olhos de ambos, e conheceram que estavam nus; e coseram folhas de figueira, e fizeram para si aventais.
E ouviram a voz do Senhor Deus, que passeava no jardim pela viração do dia; e esconderam-se Adão e sua mulher da presença do Senhor Deus, entre as árvores do jardim.
E chamou o Senhor Deus a Adão, e disse-lhe: Onde estás? Gênesis 3:6-9

Diante de toda alegria do home e da mulher, a serpente, satanás, tramou uma forma de estragar o projeto de Deus e assim o fez tentou a mulher com uma proposta aparentemente, vantajosa e a mulher caiu nesta armadilha  levando junto o homem, ambos caíram da graça de Deus, quando ela pensando que seria igual a Deus comeu a fruta e deu ao marido ambos se tornaram como a serpente, inimigos de Deus, pecaram contro o amoroso Deus que lhes tinham proporcionado tantas alegrias, a ponto de que quando Deus no horário marcado não encontro deles eles não estão lá, então o pecado é trazido a luz e eles experimenta a morte do espírito e se afastam de Deus, mas será que Deus não sabia dos riscos de entregar o mundo aos homens? Claro que sabia, por isso foi que ele revelou ali mesmo seu projeto de redenção, ele revelou sua graça.


E fez o Senhor Deus a Adão e à sua mulher túnicas de peles, e os vestiu.
Então disse o Senhor Deus: Eis que o homem é como um de nós, sabendo o bem e o mal; ora, para que não estenda a sua mão, e tome também da árvore da vida, e coma e viva eternamente,
O Senhor Deus, pois, o lançou fora do jardim do Éden, para lavrar a terra de que fora tomado.
E havendo lançado fora o homem, pôs querubins ao oriente do jardim do Éden, e uma espada inflamada que andava ao redor, para guardar o caminho da árvore da vida. Gênesis 3.22-24

Deus começou mostra sua graça quando vestiu ele com as peles de um animal, que cremos ser um cordeiro, Deus cobre a vergonha dos dois e com um ato que aparentemente parecia ruim, Deus afasta os dois completam,ente de sua presença, mas como isto poderia ser uma ato de graça? Sim, pois se eles ficassem na presença de Deus, sua presença santa os mataria. O coração de Deus fica triste e como um pai, ele chora pois Adão se foi, mas ali no Éden, o Eterno libera sua Palavra e começa uma busca implacável, a procura de Adão, pelos anos e milênios até encontrá-lo.


Isto é, Deus estava em Cristo reconciliando consigo o mundo, não lhes imputando os seus pecados; e pôs em nós a palavra da reconciliação.2 Coríntios 5:19

No entanto, a morte reinou desde Adão até Moisés, até sobre aqueles que não tinham pecado à semelhança da transgressão de Adão, o qual é a figura daquele que havia de vir. Romanos 5.14

 Verbo se fez carne, e habitou entre nós, e vimos a sua glória, como a glória dodo unigênito do Pai, cheio de graça e de verdade, João 1.14

 Porque Deus amou ao mundo de tal maneira que deu o seu Filho unigênito, para que todo aquele que nele crê não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna. João 3.16

Que iria imaginar que Deus iria fazer isto, lá em Belém de Judá nasce uma criança, o mundo não sabia que era o próprio Deus se fazendo carne e habitando entre nós, com um grande projeto de redenção paro todo o ser humano, Jesus estava ali para seu o novo Adão e para ser o cabeça de uma nova criação a parir de sua morte e ressurreição. o fato é que Jesus estava ali com uma missão de levar Adão de volta para Deus e como Adão representou todo ser humano no pecado, Jesus iria sofrer o preço do pecado de Adão em nosso lugar, ou seja ele iria pagar o preço pelo pecado de Adão, assim representando toda humanidade levando todos nós juntamente com ele na cruz e como ele ressuscitou, nós ressuscitamos juntamente com ele e hoje por causa de Jesus nós temos a vida de Deus, nós que éramos inimigos de Deus, hoje podemos nos aproximar como filhos amados.

O qual, sendo o resplendor da sua glória, e a expressa imagem da sua pessoa, e sustentando todas as coisas pela palavra do seu poder, havendo feito por si mesmo a purificação dos nossos pecados, assentou-se à destra da majestade nas alturas; Hebreus 1.3

Que dia maravilhoso quando Jesus subiu ao céus e se assentou à direita de Deus  Pai, cumprindo o propósito de Deus de trazer o ser humano(Adão) de volta a sua presença, que tremendo  saber a alegria do coração de Deus, porque Adão voltou pra casa. E temos a grande promessa de um dia estarmos todos com o Senhor Jesus nos Céus para todo o sempre, pois em breve Ele voltará.


Adão somos nós, eu e você, que naquela cruz fomos representados por Jesus, para que ele morresse a nossa morte, para que vivêssemos sua vida, Jesus é maravilhoso, ele é a expressão do grande amor de Deus por nós. Graça Maravilhosa.

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2020



BASIC TEXT: Or what woman, having ten drachmas, if she loses one drachma, does not light the lamp, and sweeps the house, and searches diligently until she finds it?
And finding her, she summons her friends and neighbors, saying: Rejoice with me, because I already found the lost drachma. Luke 15: 8,9


In Jesus' time, when people became engaged, it was common for the bride and groom to give gifts to the bride as a form of alliance, that is, a commitment that they would get married, the bride received a headdress from the groom that contained ten drachmas, the drachmas were Greek silver coins that were worth a denarius, a day's wages for a worker, thus being a promise of a marriage, for a woman to lose a coin was shameful and embarrassing, for showing the lack of care with the present. When the woman wore that adornment, everyone knew she was engaged to someone.


The adornment of the woman was something she always used, so there was always the risk of getting lost, in our life during the Christian walk we got involved in many things and because of this we exposed ourselves to the world and ended up missing important things in our life , we have to remember that we are the church of the Lord, bride of the Lamb and when the Lord Jesus sacrificed himself for us he made a wedding ring with us and as the scripture says, he gave us gifts, gifts and ornaments to use until the day of marriage. Another important fact is that the drachmas were made of silver that symbolizes the cleansing of sins, the silver to be free of all dirt and slag it is passed over the fire until it is completely clean. When the woman loses a drachma she takes an important initiative which is to seek and find the drachma that was lost, for this she:


The woman lights a lamp to illuminate the environment where she lost the coin, we learn that the word of God is a lamp for our feet and light for our paths, in the world of darkness we need the word of God to be lit in our lives, with the lamp the woman can light the house where she had lost her drachma, the word of God has the power to penetrate the darkness and reveal the spiritual environment of our life.


After turning on the lamp, she then uses a broom and begins to sweep the house, thus removing any obstacle that might prevent the coin from being found, the gospel of Jesus has this capacity in our lives, to remove dirt, dust and every obstacle that hides the precious things, gifts, talents and values ​​of the kingdom, this filth we can understand as sin in our lives, so we have to allow the gospel to cleanse our lives and leave our lives completely clean for the glory of God.


That woman didn’t settle until she found what she was looking for, he looked carefully in each part, because it had a very strong sentimental value for her, even more than the financial value, it represented the wedding ring and she needed to restore, repair and put it back in place, after insisting she then finds her drachma and is very happy, today we need to seek with all our strength and will to be with our lives before the Lord in preparation for the wedding day, as our gifts and talents and everything what precious he gave us for the day of the Lord.


The fact of rejoicing with friends reveals the desire and readiness for marriage, it is sad when we look at the spiritual life of the people of God and see that there is no longer that yearning, that passion or expectation with the arrival of the Lord, many have lost their drachmas and are not concerned at all, now is the time to repair our flaws and seek the presence of God so that we can enjoy what God has for us.

We know that this parable refers to people who get lost and who are often getting lost inside the church and in our own homes, so we need to fight for the perishing and for our own family so that God comes to rescue and save.

Let us rejoice and rejoice and give him glory; because the Lamb's wedding is coming, and his wife has already got ready.
And he was given to wear fine, pure and shining linen; because fine linen is the justice of the saints. Revelation 19: 7,8


BASIC TEXT: And I said to him: What is your name? And he said, Jacob. Then he said, You shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for as a prince you fought with God and with men, and prevailed. GENESIS 32.27-28

The loss of identity has been one of the great problems of this generation, men and women who over the years have had their identity deformed and today find themselves in a situation of not knowing who they are, in this study we will seek by the word of God the restoration of our identity.


Identity is a manifestation of who you really are, such a manifestation is given by your name, appearance, what you do, identity makes the difference between individuals, showing that we are not equal, each one has a temperament and personality, we can summarize that identity is a set of information that identifies a person.


How do people see you out there? The way the world looks at people is not because it takes care of them, but because the world wants to imprint its image and identity on people and unfortunately the world exalts this type of image, the more corrupted the world rejoices, but what is its identity in world, does it correspond to the expectations of the world. Images like: flirt, drinker, tanner, party-goer are seen as normal by people who live according to the world.

And behold, a city woman, a sinner, knowing that he was at the table at the Pharisee's house, took an alabaster vase with ointment; Luke 7.37

Here is an example of how the world sees people, when Lucas writes about this woman in this way it is because that was how she was known, a sinful woman, that is, a woman of life, a harlot, why we have to know how the world sees us. If the world sees you in a distorted or bad way, it is time to restore our identity in the world.


I believe that there is no other place where identity shows itself more than in the family, as it is difficult to hide who we are inside the home, entire families have been destroyed by fathers and mothers have lost their identity to their children and their children following the path destroyer of your parents, when we talk about identity in the family we are talking about: Authority, education, protection, provision.
With regard to couples, it is necessary to recover an identity of love and understanding and mutual help.
You women are subject to your own husbands, as befits the Lord.
You husbands, love your wives, and do not be angry with them.
Children, obey your parents in everything, because this is pleasing to the Lord.
You, parents, do not irritate your children, lest they lose heart.
Colossians 3. 18-21

Parents' attitude needs to change towards their children, parents need to be more present, not transferring anger to children, consolidating love towards them, physical contact, such as hugging and kissing, this is very important, maybe many did not have this from your parents, but with our children it has to be different. How do your children see you and how does your wife see you?


Our identity in the spiritual world is already clear, both God and the devil know who we are, but what is their identity in the kingdom of God, in the kingdom of God we always run the risk of not being totally true to God, because we are always tempted to live according to the world and its passions and live a double life, outside is one thing and inside the church another, identity in the kingdom needs to be clear because the price of living in appearance is very expensive, the person it gets lost anyway, so we need to secure our salvation in Jesus. The enemy is doing everything to get us lost inside the house of God. The most important identification we have today is the identity of children.

But to all who received him, he gave them the power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name; John 1:12

With this identification we have great access to the presence of God and thus we are sealed for salvation, but also when we have spiritual identification in the kingdom of God we also have authority over evil.

And some of the walking Jewish exorcists tried to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus on those who had evil spirits, saying: I treasure you through Jesus whom Paul preaches.
14 And those who did this were seven sons of Sceva, a Jew, chief of priests.
15 But answering the evil spirit, he said, I know Jesus, and I know who Paul is; but who are you?

We need to restore our identity in the kingdom of God and in the spirit world.


How can we restore our identity, to the point of a great change and transformation, we understand that only God can do this, and we have as an example Jáco, which means cheater, God changed his name and changed his identity, we have as an example, Abram and Sarah, who had their names changed along with their identity, from an exalted father who was and without children, Abram became Abraham, father of multitudes and today his descendants are like the stars of heaven and like the dust of the earth, to have a transformed and healed identity we need to ask God.

And Jabez was more illustrious than his brothers; and his mother gave him the name Jabez, saying, Because I gave birth to him in pain.
10 For Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, If you bless me greatly, and my terms enlarge, and your hand goes with me, and you do not let evil be afflicted! And God granted him what he asked of him.
1 Chronicles 4.9,10

This man had a name which brought disgrace to his life, because it means: suffering, what causes suffering, imagine a person with that name, and in the old days the name was a prophecy of what the person did or would be, it is something very strong and this man did not accept this condition and identity of suffering and pain and asked God to change his life and so it happened, this can happen to us if we reject all identity deformed by sin and the world and thus the Eternal will be restoring the our identity.


Ask right now for the Lord to change and transform your identity in the world, in your family and in the kingdom and it will be like that in our lives.


"Where, then, is my hope now? Yes, my hope, who can see it?"

Job 17.15

At this very moment, the world is going through one of the most difficult periods that has passed. The whole world frightened by the virus that has killed thousands of people, breaking the world’s economy, destroying families, causing chaos, but in the midst of all this is there hope? Is there a way out? Some biblical prophecies always warned us that difficult times would come, the world would be having labor pains, this to teach us that the world is no longer enduring so much evil from human beings, their selfishness, envies, disputes, hatreds and so many things that add up to the terrible acts of human beings. I mean that as long as there is life in us there will always be hope, now is not the time to give up and be discouraged, every situation generates an opportunity to be better, now is the time to turn to God, because he has provided a way out in the person of Jesus Christ , now death and disease plague the world, but JESUS ​​IS LIFE AND HEALING, we cannot lose our hope, we have to put our hope in God.

"my soul, wait only on God, because my hope comes from him." Psalm 62.5

In all crises God has always been and always will be God, but it is necessary for people to seek God with all their heart, how many people who had a covenant with God, gave up this covenant, now it is time to return, the time we have for ahead is a time of fulfillment of prophecies and God is calling us to repent, I want to make it very clear that, people think that God is responsible, for all the calamity, but no, he is not responsible, but He is the our help in the middle of the crisis.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in anguish. Psalm 46.1

This is the great truth, the Lord Jesus is always ready to receive you and take care of you, do not be afraid to seek help from Jesus Christ, because He is at our side and deliver us.

Blessed is he who has the God of Jacob for his help, and whose hope is set on the Lord his God. Psalm 146.5

This is an opportune moment to turn to God and fix our ways, we cannot harden our hearts, we need God with all the urgency, because without God we are nothing, without God we lose our identity, without the Author of life we ​​lose our life, that's why I tell you that Jesus is the only hope for this world, for your life and for your family, get closer to God and receive the strength to live and overcome all circumstances of life



"Onde, pois, estaria agora a minha esperança? Sim, a minha esperança, quem a poderá ver?"

Jó 17.15

Neste exato momento, o mundo vive um dos períodos mais difíceis que já passou. O mundo inteiro assustado com o vírus que tem matado milhares de pessoas, quebrando a economia do mundo, destruindo famílias, provocando o caos, mas no meio de tudo isto existe esperança? Existe uma saída? Algumas profecias bíblicas sempre nos alertavam que viriam tempos difíceis, o mundo estaria tendo dores de parto, isto pra nos ensinar que o mundo não está mais aguentando tanta maldade do ser humano, seu egoísmo, invejas, disputas, ódios e tantas coisas que se somam aos atos terríveis dos seres humanos. Quero dizer que enquanto houver vida em nós sempre haverá esperança, agora não é hora de desistir e desanimar, toda situação gera uma oportunidade de sermos melhores, agora é o  momento de nos voltarmos para Deus, pois ele providenciou uma saída na pessoa de Jesus Cristo, agora a morte e a doença assolam o mundo, mas JESUS É VIDA E CURA, não podemos perder nossa esperança, temos que colocar nossa esperança em Deus.

" minha alma, espera somente em Deus, porque dele vem a minha esperança." Salmos 62.5

Em todas as crises Deus sempre foi e sempre será Deus, mas é necessário que as pessoas busquem a Deus de todo o coração, quantas pessoas que tinham uma aliança com Deus, desistiram desta aliança, agora é tempo de voltar, o tempo que temos pela frente é um tempo de cumprimento de profecias  e Deus está nos chamando para o arrependimento, quero deixar bem claro que, as pessoas acham que  é Deus o responsável, por toda a calamidade, mas não, ele não é o responsável, mas Ele é o nosso socorro no meio da crise.

Deus é o nosso refúgio e fortaleza, socorro bem presente na angústia.Salmos 46.1

Esta é a grande verdade, o Senhor Jesus está sempre pronto pra te receber e cuidar de você, não tenha nenhum receio em procurar ajuda de Jesus Cristo, pois Ele está ao nosso lado e nos livrar.

Bem-aventurado aquele que tem o Deus de Jacó por seu auxílio, e cuja esperança está posta no Senhor seu Deus. Salmos 146.5

Este é um momento oportuno pra nos voltarmos para Deus e concertarmos os nossos caminhos, não podemos endurecer o nosso coração, precisamos de Deus com toda a urgência, pois sem Deus não somos nada, sem Deus perdemos nossa identidade, sem o Autor da vida perdemos a nossa vida, por isso te digo que Jesus é a única esperança pra este mundo, pra tua vida e pra tua família, se aproxime de Deus e receba dele a força pra viver e vencer a todas as circunstâncias da vida


domingo, 9 de abril de 2017



TEXTO BÁSICO: Ou qual a mulher que, tendo dez dracmas, se perder uma dracma, não acende a candeia, e varre a casa, e busca com diligência até a achar?
E achando-a, convoca as amigas e vizinhas, dizendo: Alegrai-vos comigo, porque já achei a dracma perdida.
Lucas 15:8,9
Nos tempos de Jesus, quando as pessoas ficavam noivos eram comum os noivos dar presentes para a noiva como forma de aliança, isto é compromisso de que iriam se casar, a noiva recebia do noivo um adorno da cabeça que continham dez dracmas, as dracmas eram moedas gregas de prata que valiam um denário, um dia de salário de um trabalhador, sendo assim uma promessa de um casamento, para uma mulher perder uma moeda era vergonhoso e constrangedor, por demonstrar a falta de cuidado com o presente. Quando a mulher usava aquele adorno todos sabiam que estava comprometida com alguém.
O adorno da mulher era algo que sempre ela usava, desta maneira sempre houve o risco de se perder, na nossa vida durante a caminhada cristã nos envolvemos em muitas coisas e por causa disto nos expomos diante do mundo e acabamos perdendo coisas importantes da nossa vida, temos que lembrar que nós somos a igreja do Senhor, noiva do Cordeiro e quando o Senhor Jesus se sacrificou por nós ele fez uma aliança de casamento conosco e como diz a escritura, nos deu presentes, dons e adornos para usarmos até o dia do casamento. Outro fato importante é que as dracmas eram de prata que simboliza a purificação dos pecados, a prata para ficar livre de toda sujeira e escória ela é passada no fogo até que fique  completamente limpa. Quando a mulher perde uma dracma ela toma uma importante iniciativa que é buscar e achar a dracma que se perdeu, para isso ela:
A mulher acende uma lâmpada para iluminar o ambiente onde perdeu a moeda, aprendemos que a palavra de Deus é lâmpada para nossos pés e luz para nossos caminhos, no mundo de trevas precisamos que a palavra de Deus esteja acesa em nossas vidas, com a lâmpada a mulher pode iluminar a casa onde tinha perdido a sua dracma, a palavra de Deus tem o poder de penetrar na escuridão e revelar o ambiente espiritual de nossa vida.

Depois de acender a lâmpada ela então uma vassoura e começa a varrer a casa tirando assim todo e qualquer obstáculo que possa impedir que se ache a moeda, o evangelho de Jesus tem esta capacidade em nossas vidas, de remover sujeiras, poeiras e todo obstáculo que esconde as coisas preciosas, dons, talentos e os valores do reino, esta sujeira podemos entender como o pecado em nossas vidas, por isso temos que permitir que o evangelho faça uma faxina em nossa vida e deixe nossa vida completamente limpa para glória de Deus.
Aquela mulher não sossegou enquanto não achou o que procurava, ele buscou cuidadosamente em cada parte, pois aquilo tinha um valor sentimental muito forte pra ela, mais ainda do que o valor financeiro, aquilo representava a aliança de casamento e ela precisava restaurar, consertar e colocar de volta no lugar, depois de insistir ela então encontra a sua dracma e fica muito feliz, precisamos hoje buscar com toda força e vontade estar com nossas vidas diante do Senhor em preparação para o dia do casamento, como nossos dons e talentos e tudo aquilo que de precioso ele nos deu para o dia do Senhor.
O fato de se alegrar com as amigas revela o desejo e prontidão para o casamento, é triste quando olhamos a vida espiritual do povo de Deus e vemos que não existe mais aquele anseio, aquela paixão ou expectativa com a chegada do Senhor, muitos têm perdido suas dracmas e não estão nem um pouco preocupados, agora é o momento de reparar nossas falhas e buscarmos a presença de Deus para assim podermos desfrutar daquilo que Deus tem pra nós.
Sabemos que esta parábola se refere às pessoas que se perdem e que muitas vezes estão se perdendo dentro da igreja e em nossas próprias casas, por isso precisamos lutar pelos que perecem e pela nossa própria família para que Deus venha resgatar e salvar.
Regozijemo-nos, e alegremo-nos, e demos-lhe glória; porque vindas são as bodas do Cordeiro, e já a sua esposa se aprontou.
E foi-lhe dado que se vestisse de linho fino, puro e resplandecente; porque o linho
fino são as justiças dos santos. Apocalipse 19:7,8